Our December open studio was a wonderfully warm gathering on a cold rainy night. We were celebrating the addition of three new Errol Frank pieces in the Parlour, a revamping of the B.L. Scallon studio wall, and gearing up for the dawn of a new year. Tim played DJ, setting the mood for a night of tackling a thousand-piece puzzle courtesy of our friend Gail C Jackson. Coleen Monettte stopped by and picked up her new Kyle Abernethy painting, I’ll miss that one but happy it found such a good home. Friends brought snacks and beer to share, and Tess showed off her latest frog with baby head sculpture in preparation for the coming leap year. By 1am we’d gotten about halfway through the puzzle and all the way through the beer and wine and called it a night. It was a perfect way to pass one of the longest nights of the year!
2nd Thursday Open Studio