We had some serious fun in Georgetown, taking the Caravan on its maiden voyage outside of West Seattle. The wonderfully hospitable Larry Reid, at Fantagraphics, saved us a couple of spaces in front of his place and hooked us up with power. Nice! And a special shout out goes to Tibor Erdelyi, who rescued us when our truck decided it wasn’t really meant to pull 4,100 lbs. of Airstream like I thought it should. He showed up on very short notice with his truck, and got us there and back in one piece. Kudos to you, sir. E. Grace Dager and Band Of Toy took a turn performing in the Caravan Gallery on what was one of the hottest days of the year, while Tim Scallon charmed us with his guitar wizardry. It was a scorcher. Then towards the end of the evening, the crew from Skillet dropped by and we traded Airstream stories. Sweet.