Past Caravan Adventures
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NYT Photo-shoot
On April 21st I received an email request from Alyson Krueger, a journalist working for the New York Times, asking to interview me for an article she was writing about mobile galleries. Of course I said yes! A few weeks passed and she sent me a couple follow up questions that I answered. The next Monday a photo editor contacted me saying they were interested in getting some photos of the “Seattle Caravan” and did we have any shows in the next couple of days !?!?!? Once again the answer was YES, and two days later I had a show in front of Fantagraphics Bookstore and Gallery in Georgetown, returning to the site of our first Artpark. The article appeared the next Saturday in the Arts section! Making it happen….

We had a great time, nestled in the ‘Social Good Row’ of the SXSW edition of the Renegade Craft Fair, right in the center of beautiful downtown Austin. The biggest obstacle this time out was just getting there. Navigating from Seattle, WA to Austin, TX presented us with plenty of new challenges, the triumph over which left us feeling exhilarated and ready for just about anything. Seriously, it was transformative. Once we made it down there it was deeply satisfying to share the art of Shawn Ferris, Robroy Chalmers, Anette Lusher, Phil McGaughy, Brenda L. Scallon, Yvette Endrijautski, and Jean Albus, along with a hands on busking installation, three mesmerizing magic shows a day by Just Sage, and all of it enhanced by Tim Scallon’s musicianship, keeping everything rapt in sonic accord. While there, we saw some old friends, made lots of new ones, and explored a new dimension of our mission to “Take The Arts To The Streets”. A...

Our second time at the always fun Georgetown Carnival, was even more fun that the first. Tons of people dropped by to check out the SCARtists group show, and were suitably impressed with the skill and depth of talent on display. I was really proud of this, our seventh show, featuring E. Grace Dager, Chris Sheridan, Patricia O'Connor, Kate Protage, Robroy Chalmers, Patricia Ridenour, Siolo Thompson, Yvette Endrijautzki, Cynthia Freese, Stephen Rock, Anna Hurwitz, Suzanne Tidwell, Randy McCoy, Don Haggerty, Miguel Edwards, Alan Fulle and Brenda L. Scallon. Seventeen artists all in one twenty three foot Land Yacht, but it worked. And in the Roadside Attractions tent Just Sage, Dan Pearson, and Tim Scallon made it happen even though they were set up just feet away from an enormous set of gongs that our neighbors set up for people to pummel, creating a wonderful and loud cacophony. Still the show must go on, and did it ever! This is one of our favorite events of the year.

Sixteen months and six shows into it, my mobile gallery experiment is starting to fall into it's own rhythm. I like that. For this opening we headed to the North Admiral District and teamed up with our friends at Mind Unwind Gallery for the West Seattle Artwalk. I was thrilled to see what Patricia O’Connor, Theresa Neinas, Bill Bradford, Stephen Rock, Yvette Endrijautzki, E. Grace Dager, Tamra Rose, Steven Mortz, and Jim Lopresti, had done with the de-laminated wood I'd been collecting to utilize as the basis for a new series titled ‘Reclamation’. I was particularly taken with the piece by Bill Bradburd, who sculpted his pieces into a gorgeous re-imagined log. Stunning. I'm really starting to enjoy rolling my two-ton gallery around in search of new adventures. Caravan Gallery- Parlor & Roadside Attractions: 'Where Art Meets The Open Road'... I'm in.

What a blast taking Caravan Gallery Parlor & Roadside Attractions to the Georgetown Carnival for the first time, where we featured the sultry and gorgeously rendered art of Siolo Thompson in the Caravan’s Gallery, as well as Brenda L. Scallon and Patricia Ridenour in the Parlor. And what a treat to be hosting stellar performances by E. Grace Dager and Band Of Toy, along with the always delightful Just Sage’s prestidigitations, to christen the new Roadside Attractions tent, while Tim Scallon engulfed us all with his hypnotic, subtly probing soundscapes.

Two days after rolling the Caravan up beside the ever awesome Hotwire Online Coffeehouse, for the December 8th, West Seattle Artwalk, Gia from the Feedback Lounge called and invited us to join them for their 'GIFTED' event. It was December and Gail still had lots of great work to show so I said "sure, sounds fun." And it was...

This time out, we teamed up with our friends at Hotwire Online Coffeehouse in the heart of the West Seattle Junction for the West Seattle Art Walk. Here we are seeing how many people can fit in one Caravan. I'm sporting some gauntlets that wearable fiber artist GC Jackson made for the show. I haven't really taken them off since... The Roadside Attractions tent was hopping and not just to try to stay warm on a cold December night, as E. Grace Dager and Band Of Toy wowed the crowd, Then Just Sage took us for a spin “helping to heal humanity with humor and integrity many smiles at a time“, and Tim Scallon warmed us with his steady radiant resonance. It was all wonderfully festive.

We had some serious fun in Georgetown, taking the Caravan on its maiden voyage outside of West Seattle. The wonderfully hospitable Larry Reid, at Fantagraphics, saved us a couple of spaces in front of his place and hooked us up with power. Nice! And a special shout out goes to Tibor Erdelyi, who rescued us when our truck decided it wasn't really meant to pull 4,100 lbs. of Airstream like I thought it should. He showed up on very short notice with his truck, and got us there and back in one piece. Kudos to you, sir. E. Grace Dager and Band Of Toy took a turn performing in the Caravan Gallery on what was one of the hottest days of the year, while Tim Scallon charmed us with his guitar wizardry. It was a scorcher. Then towards the end of the evening, the crew from Skillet dropped by and we traded Airstream stories. Sweet.

Wow, the Caravan Gallery - Parlor and Roadside Attractions debut was amazing! Michael O’Driscoll’s work looked dynamic in the 'Artstream', E. Grace Dager and Band Of Toy were beyond brilliant in the Pod. Just Sage in his 'Frank' persona did two transcendent shows, one earlier, for the kids, and one later for the adults, and Tim Scallon, provided a tasty sonic mosaic to the evening, both playing and DJ-ing. It felt pretty wonderful, witnessing this performance and art experiment come to life. What an incredible gathering! I even sent Art on its way, to new homes.